One before, one after

Babes in toyland
Sunday, Oct. 30, 2005
Thoroughly soaked in cigarette smoke.

I'll let my thoughts soak in too.

I got a maroon jacket/coat, a leathery dark blue jacket, and a turquoise, red, grey, and magic purple sweater at Last Chance Saturday.

Rough draft:

Italian restuarant
Ponce de Leon
Leuwam's dorm room, lying on bed with metallic silver wig, getting last Hershey's bar from the bowl

Greek diner (French toast)

bed in parent's house made in Navy-style

warm bed, extraordinarily clean/fresh sheets, blankets


sausage hotdogs, fresh pineapple

Georgia countryside

returning to my apartment and seriously being amazed at how great it is, what an accomplishment to be living here rather than at my parent's

I like when I'm wowed by all my stuff rather than sickened by it. It doesn't last long, but it's great and exciting.

If things here seem superficial and materialistic, it's the key to a public diary, but I think it also mutates how I think about things.

In other news, I got a nice call from Faith. I'm glad she liked her bat bar.

Time for bed.

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