One before, one after

Black light painters
Thursday, May. 19, 2005
A pretty fun day considering, and more to come!

We ordered delivery food from Golden Dragon, watched Zoolander yet again, I took another shower, I got a Coke gift, and I just sat and thought about things in a way I'll never get bored of.

A lot of really short people have been walking by the past couple of days.

I think that when I get my tax return next year, I'll buy more harddrive for my computer, a video input/output thing, and save the rest for the summer tour. I've been debating about whether or not I should get a really fast home connection in August, and I think I should, as long as I have a good comfortable home desk also. I could save money and just use the computer lab, but the whole added issue of backing up files twice and organizing everything twice really weighs on the spontaneity of my art and postings hence forth.

My room is really crappy/messy, but I don't care. Once I get over this sinus infection, I will. But for now, it's all about getting through tonight, tomorrow's work, and the weekend trip to Charleston to see Glass Candy again, Deerhunter in a foreign, other state element, and whoever else. Getting through all that unscathed and rejuventated. Unscathed is a good band name.

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