One before, one after

Feeling out of it
Monday, Apr. 11, 2005
It's really hot today!

I was home sick from work today. Rather annoying to lose that cash, so I hope I'm 90% better tomorrow. It's about time to go to bed.

Dull glitter, eh? I'd just say poor. I'm happy in every way but poor. And bad at managing money to boot!

I did manage to fix the nail clipper today though. When it broke, I put it back together wrong, if you can imagine that being possible. It is.

A thing that surprised me: Julie has a copy of MC Sweetie's "Cash Money Diss" on her iPod.

Also, when I was at Tight Pockets, I found a copy of Mike Appelstein's zine, a true gem, in which he talked about Jolt Cola first coming out, or am I mixing this up with something else.

Anyways, needless to say, when meeting Mike Turner, I really accidentally spit on him a lot while talking. I don't know if he noticed. I didn't spit on Eric though, because he was too far away.

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