One before, one after

Hair buffet
Friday, Apr. 08, 2005
Trekking to Diaryland is like trolling amongst graves. Nowhere near as many are posting here anymore, it's been so long since the boom, and you have to go to each person's page like stepping into individual buildings in a ghost town.

I still like it, but it's funny, because I think I write more whacked out stuff the fewer people I think are reading it. I get more desperate for attention in a way.

I seem to be saying this is every entry, but it's the weekend, and I just got paid!

I shall have a nice weekend, although it will be jam packed sorta.

Dave please mail me back my key, although I'll probably just get a new one made (faster) but maybe mail it just in case I forget.

What is your Diaryland password, Amy Harmon?

Everyone please consider trading mix CDs/tapes with me. I used to be against them, but now it's time. If you put your email address or something in my guestbook, I'll contact you. I need a new, special blend of music for this pre-summer flurry.

Catch you at the Habitat this weekend, man.

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