One before, one after

Shampoo Planet quotes
Sunday, Jun. 24, 2007
page 29
"Meeting Anna-Louise was like finding a stranger's shopping list on the mall floor and realizing there are other, more interesting diets than your own. It was the first time I ever felt incomplete."

"I imagine I bury a pocket calculator with liquid crystals spelling her name, then watch the earth shoot forth lightening bolts."

page 41
"She'd been swimming near closing time at the community college pool and had been solo in the pool when the power blacked out and she was treading water in the center.
"I twinked," she said. "First I was scared, but then I relaxed and I swam underwater with my eyes open. With no light there were no gravity cues. It was outer space with chlorine."

page 46
"...a stack of smooth aluminum "drug lord" luggage left over from the 1980s."

page 47
"Being one-dimensional is the most satisfying method of coping with out-of-control people--with any situation that's out of control. Keep your face like a screen saver program."

page 76
"And my friends are better prepared mentally than anybody else for the future that is actually going to arrive. Nature always prepares her babies for what they'll need."

page 83
"With each catch Anna-Louise moves deeper into the trees and I follow, silent, feeling seduced by a genetic secret, like a teenager learning to masterbate, not knowing what I'm doing, but continuing regardless, deeper into the forest, the ball miraculously managing to avoid the staid, butlerlike hemlocks and firs between us, the brush and undergrowth muffling all sound save for the beating of blood in my ears and the slap of the ball in our gloves.
This slapping sound moves closer with each successive volley, closer and closer as Anna-Lousise and I move in on each other over the quiet, oh-so-quiet cool dry moss. Closer and closer. Until we meet."

page 95
"What I want is to be back home and on the coast in a big glass house on the edge of the planet, on the Olympic Peninsula, say, and just look out over the water and nothing nothing else."

page 115
"...textile computer..."

page 133
"Hairhenge", "SpellCaster"

page 146
"The Land of Software"

page 147
" clicking the sky with a mouse."

"Deep Dish Pizza"

page 150
"...feeling the sweet hot rush of mall air in my face, like a sack of warm Halloween candy..."

page 155
"I flash him back a V."

page 175
"Inventing a new dance is like inventing a new way to have sex."

page 182.
"In periods of rapid personal change, we pass through life as though we are spellcast. We speak in sentences that end before finishing. We sleep heavily because we need to ask so many questions as we dream alone."

page 183.
"As though there is a city on the other side."

page 187.
"I remember reading of an F-16 fighter jet with a computer-software glitch that made it flip upside down when crossing the Equator."

page 189.
"This is a good place to enter the world."

page 190.
"The Comfortmobile's stereo booms scortching technotunes by Scottish teenagers filled with bad teeth and the need to sing."

page 198.
"The PC is a beauty: a Macintosh with Microsoft Word, extended keypad, and ergonomically correct mouse."

page 200.
HistoryWorld and TImeSift

page 202.
"I then convert my withdrawl into a wad of low-denominatio bills."

page 206.
"...feeling a twinge of pride in belonging to a society that can maintain a beacon of light and technology like this Circle-K out in the middle of nowhere."

page 215
"white sugar"

page 216.
"Next stop: a pilgrimage to Apple headquarters in Cupertino, then into Silicon Valley..."

page 218.
"You're not supposed to notice futuretowns--they're technically invisible: low flat buildings that look like they've just popped out of a laser printer; fetishistic landscaping.... Futuretowns are like their own country superimposed onto other countries.... -the hard drives of our culture, where the human tribe is making flesh its deepest needs and fears.... designing new animals to replace the animals we've erased..."

page 219.
"Futuretowns aren't places--they're documents. They are the foundries of our deepest desires as a species. TO doubt them is to doubt all."

page 246.
"...the peat of the Siberian carbon sink--the planet's largest biomass--is browning with much dignity and is preparing to sleep for its one billionth winter."

page 249.
"...a fax of a fax of a fax of a fax of a photograph."

"A wave of grand lucidity washed over me, and the world seemed the way it does just moments before the onset of a fever...."

page 267.
"I think most people dream in the house they grew up in."

page 275.
"Tell me the first thing you ever noticed about me."

page 297.
"Yes, I am on the floor."

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