One before, one after

Saturday, Nov. 25, 2006
I just finished a Turkey, Guacomole, and Bacon sub from Quizno's, and that stuff tastes like what a Lunchables was trying to emulate... so good.

There are some cool guys there talking about $50,000 weddings that last for 4 days with the best band in the region playing.

I can't get that Razor Gator song out of my head.

I have recently become privy to the idea that my apartment is in fact my studio primarily, and I happen to sleep at it.

That thought makes my mess/pile of equipment and supplies easier to deal with. I just have to think about it like I'm sleeping in a garage with all my stuff.

My prime mode of being when I'm hear is with my shirt off (wearing blue jeans and comfortable white socks) or just in my underwear, white briefs. I liken it to Aboringines.

I think I need at least two more folding tables in here.

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