One before, one after

Unconvinced/take it easy
Monday, Aug. 07, 2006
I've touched the box of my new computer.

Fall is gonna be fun.

P.S. I'm not sure how I feel about my new job. Maybe I'm just really particular, but it was so easy to point out so many flaws today on my first day.

No single use bathroom. I like to take my shirt off when I'm feeling stressed.
I'm now part of a team doing something I have no real direct super passion for, kind of.
The dumb motivational posters all over the building.

Here are the perks:

Office lit by window light aka sunlight
I have keys to the building

I guess I kind of like to be moody, but the mood I was in today was ridiculous.

I'm at my hot parent's house, so I really can't put this all in perspective. I need a fast Internet connection and a cold drink and a vacation.

More than one person said I looked older today.

I gotta rip a jam sometime.

P.S. Javier's new place looks cool.

P.P.S. I need to take it easy.

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