One before, one after

Monday, Jun. 05, 2006
My goal is to finish the first version of my zine by June 27th.

I should put all that information in a list on my website, ordered and regularly reordered so that I can remember what to work on.

An album of songs written for each GM instrument is one. Each Mario Paint instrument. Indian scales. That would be interesting to try with Mario Paint since it can't do sharps and flats.

And this is really important - I need to get a pitch shifter so I can run bass drones and what not through it and change them with my foot. And also use them for the Apple II improvised music to make sections.

And make simples pictures into bitmaps and bitmaps into video paint bitmaps with translations/animations. And bad digital photos of the screens of those for website updates.

I ate lunch with Julie and Ryan visiting from Arizona. I stayed home all weekend watching Roots and Cheers and went to Glass Candy with Javier.

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