One before, one after

Snoopy in love
Saturday, Dec. 24, 2005
I like how this black and white bitmap project is so intense, huge, and taking forever. I feel like one day, when I am finished, I will send it to certain people or put it on a webpage or print it out in a paper zine and just blow people away. I feel like I am building a bomb.

I watched Dances With Wolves (aka Dances with Commercial Breaks Every 10 Minutes) and felt a lot of things.

I feel like I'm away on business in some sense.

Man, why did I have to find yin yang hearts? Now I have to finish saving this page of graphics before going to bed.

New pictures found: pyramids I've never seen before, tons of animals, a drunk guy passed out, 2 Snoopys kissing plus more Snoopy in love variations, a fly, a big eye, ...

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