One before, one after

Skate or imply
Thursday, Feb. 10, 2005
I really want a blackboard.
Also, it would be good to "type" using dry alphabet noodles glued to black paper then photocopied.
I'm eating 500 calories of soup in my office alone with the door only slightly ajar.
The main reasons for me to have a webpage are to cultivate a text and image feel and to post my music and video. Also, to cultivate a relatedness feel and a home feel.
I really like my green sticky notes. I'm done smokin' this bowl (bowl of soup). I remember when I read an article in Stomp and Stammer by Benjamin about meeting Patti Smith, and they enlarged a quote about him filling her bowl, and I was imagined him putting something, I didn't know what, in a big bowl for her. I still think a bowl is funny. Now, I'm going to go skate the bowl (the empty pool).
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