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You've done it again
Friday, Jan. 07, 2005
Every once in a while, I have an epihany. I remember how the last one I had made me stay up half the night writing my ideas down in my notebook in the dark. I almost felt sick it was so good. And that's how it is. Being sick puts you in a great place to be starved, shaking, and in pain to the point where all of your half ideas meld into the idea of the year.
This time, it happened while walking home from a long day of work. I get a hunch one day but can't make sense of it, then bam. So, I was thinking about all this text vs. texture stuff and thought, all the art I like is textural rather than someone elses experience written all in fact. All art and books like that I have always found pretty boring. But, art and books that provide a texture, a kind of world I can go in and actually be next to that person and have my own experience of them, that's what I like.
I first had a major experience with this with Bikini Kill and Bratmobile and Vaselines and personal webpages of a bare all yet still heavily mysterious nature.
That's why the Sphinx is so forever and so potent. Even the real story about why it's there is so thin and no one cares. The texture that the Sphinx provides is so powerful, because it represents a feeling inside of all of us who have felt our inner psyche represented in the external world. The idea that there is something animate in inanimate things.
The quote in Addison's new zine where it is said that "unhappiness comes from putting feelings in material objects."
I'm quoting this wrong, but that's how I read it first and it disturbed me. But even how it actually read, I think all feelings put into material objects represent something immaterial. I just don't see the real division between material and immaterial things.
This is a entry that doesn't really mean anything that people should respond to, because I don't care. Haha.
And also, I recently heard that caring about zen is about making do with what you have and not worrying about attaining more. Once again, what's the difference with attaining more material and attaining more immaterial?
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