One before, one after

Monday, Nov. 01, 2004
The past two days were weird and fun. I made a Batman costume out of cardboard and heavy duty black plastic and walked around.
There was a huge warehouse party with hundreds of people, and I got on the stage and danced and spun around the pole with my bat cape flying.
If you think my morose presence at parties gives people the creeps before, just wait until I am at the party as Batman. I still don't get wasted on a regular basis with large groups of people, but now I'm sitting on a wall wearing a cardboard bat helmet.
I was really happy when they played "In a Big Country."
Also, I have been having the most amazingly bad luck lately. The only thing to do is keep trying and hanging on.
Me and Chelsea did some of the dances from Dirty Dancing last night. I got to eat a lot of candy too. Someone busted a pinyata attached to a woman's butt, and a chocolate bar flew out of it right into the eye of my bat mask helmet. I gave it to Chelsea as I am the perfect gentleman. Then, Tyler got one too and gave it to me, because she is great.
Batman is a weird person to be. For two days, I became Batman.
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