One before, one after

Brown leaf
Sunday, Sept. 19, 2004
One more hour logged in driving. I'm ready to go to a different state at this point.

Ultimate Paint, Drawing for Children, and Midget II are pretty good. Midget II is a DOS MIDI composer using the internal speaker. Drawing for Children is a Windows-esque Kid Pix. Ultimate Paint gives me color gradation like I've never known.

Dad continues to be a jerk. The classified section was disappointing. I drove in the Sunset Blvd. neighborhood, and it was pretty weird to be back there. All these people I knew or would watch lived back there, and I spent so much of my elementary era popping my bike through the woods to go up and down the wood roads of it. Woods, sleeping bag, Nintendo, basements, the Fall, cable television.

God, I need to inherit some money to continue and further my elaborately chill lifestyle into hyperdrive.

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