One before, one after

I'm not in a trance
Friday, Sept. 10, 2004
My dad commented that I appear to be in a trance, and that he has absolutely no idea of what I'm thinking about.

He also has a hard time respecting someone without a job. I didn't say much in reply, since I was in a trance.

He said I used to be so enthusiastic about learning how to read. I felt a bit indignant, since I laugh a bit when he's talking to me about how I'm stupid now, but he doesn't know the joys of being self-indulgent. His dad put fear in him to be disciplined and ordered, and everyone just pumped me up. The more you order yourself out of fear of the unexpected, the more you limit your scope of understanding or ideas. My dad needs and is forced to know things to survive his responsibilities. I don't need to know anything for anyone. I'm still trying to figure out my responsibilities. I'm trying to identify if I have a people or a culture I have a duty to. Who is Travis? Who does Travis love and have love for Travis?

Dad is like Chelsea might be the source of your trance. You're thinking and becoming deluded too much about Chelsea. Chelsea's mom is more subtly thinking that Chelsea should watch out for commiting to the zone of this nut ball.

Steve Trimmer once sang that "I'm not in a trance." It would be fulfilling to witness him going at it more.

Anyways, Chelsea is coming over tomorrow, and we're going to the Atlanta Zoo and the Cyclorama. Thank god for Chotbot even though she is going to have to break up with me one day. I am such a blase loser once again.

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