One before, one after

Sausage pancake
Friday, Jul. 30, 2004
B+ on the final private exam. It had not even 1/8 notes, was in C major, and tempo was as slow as you wanted.

I have been reading a lot of astrology lately... it is amazing how much of it explains just what is happening.

I lost my ATM check card at some point, so I cancelled it and ordered a new one. Today almost sucked at the beginning, but it turned up with burrito fun with Chelsea, a yellow, geometric plastic table, 2 bells, and my piano test over and a breeze.

Both Javier and Matthew "return" today. I should move my stuff in an imaginary space about as big as my Norcross room to see how it holds up. I found a good handful of webpages just now, especially one by a guy who builds his own equipment and enjoys his woodshop. If only I could have a little workshop. What a fantasy.

In other news, I am a master at playing major and minor chords now I just noticed, so the show Wendesday night should be a breeze.

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