One before, one after

Digital LED sign
Friday, Jul. 23, 2004
Apparently, many people have been calling me a pathetic loser and a failure lately.

To them, I say fuck all you all.

They are not really anything I have ever wanted to be, and everything I want to be I almost am. Shazam.

Matthew, you can live with me if you help me move the couches into the dumpster and lift various Fun Machine-esque objects into the phat moving vehicle outside.

I vaguely feel like I am dying and uploading my brain onto the Internet. Various people misunderstand my intentions, so it is time to represent big time.

Anyways, in other news, it is time to prepare yardsale objects and begin a 650-750 word article. And analyze Silent Night and the first Invention, and so on. I am going to have so much money in one week. I am going to be like blam blam with that amalgam of wham slam.

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