One before, one after

Fester's quest
Sunday, November 3, 2002
What a load of crap. There is only one thing that matters now and that is the assemblage in my bedroom. I'll march up the hill to face it.

I am pleased someone is painting a mural on the wall of the pizza place. I feel renewed in many veins, however, I unfortunately remain jealous and spiteful in unrelated veins. Nothing can be done. But, it certainly can be said that I lived the past 4 days to the fullest. It's as if my life is like being at a doctor's office. I spend most of my time in the waiting room waiting or making small notes, but for the past couple days, I got up unannounced and explored the facility and grounds.

Hopefully, in an undramatic fell swoop, I will open up Claris Works tonight and begin typing there or stop typing all together. Hi ho the mario, the cursor stands alone.

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