One before, one after

Addicted to asphyxiation
Thursday, July 11, 2002
Top ten list of things I have done this summer:

1. Dream about music orchestra
2. Sleep
3. Print photos for .0025 cents a second
4. Listen to music like a wino finding a thimble full of wine
5. Imagine hot love fantasy
6. Sit doing nothing on the Internet
7. Enjoy a meal, especially dinner
8. Go crazy, depressed style
9. Go crazy, angry style
10. Think of a mind blowing thing and make a smile as wide as the Great Wall of China.

I have done other things, but for lesser amounts of time. Fiddling around with HTML makes me sick now.

I savor every minute I spend in the warm shower. It is like Mother Mary has come to give me one of those super mattresses.

Oh well, here we go again. Time for #5 and #2.

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